Make your home smell like a fresh forest with this pure woodsy essential oil. This oil not only smells incredible, it has health benefits and can be used in cleaning your home! Pine oil reduces stress, reduces inflammation, is a natural asthma and cough remedy. It also can alleviate allergies, respiratory infections and colds. If you add pine oil to your cleaning supplies it can kill bacteria, fungi, and pathogens. It can also kill odors and purify the air. You can diffuse the oil in your home to experience its benefits or you can mix it with moisturizer or a carrier oil and apply it to your skin to fight bacterial infections and reduce inflammation. You can also simply inhale the oil to reduce congestion and coughing. Botanical Name: Pinus Sylvestris
Warning: Essential oils are for external use only.
Benefits of Pine Essential Oil
Improves Energy
Improves Mood
Improves Focus
Relieves Coughs And Colds
Treats Muscle Aches And Pains
Natural Asthma Remedy
Alleviates Allergies
Treats Acne
Natural Air Purifier
Powerful Household Cleanser